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Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis
Master programme in
Global and Development Studies / European Master in Global Studies
Type of activity


Teaching language
Study regulation

Read about the Master Programme and find the Study Regulations at ruc.dk


Registration is through stads selvbetjeningwithin the announced registration period, as you can see on the Studyadministration homepage.

When registering for study activities, please be aware of the potential conflicts between study activities or exam dates. The planning of activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programs which do not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programs, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose.

Number of participants
Responsible for the activity
Louise Wiuff Moe (louisewm@ruc.dk)
Head of study
Markus-Michael Müller (muellerm@ruc.dk)
Study administration
ISE Registration & Exams (ise-exams@ruc.dk)
Exam code(s)
Overall objective

This course trains students to conduct policy analysis and write a policy analysis report. It studies and applies the techniques to examine and evaluate available policy options to implement a given policy goal. Students acquire skills to conduct two kinds of policy analysis: First, the analysis of existing policy in a given field, an analytical and descriptive exercise that analyses and evaluates policies and their impact. Second, analysis for new policy, a prescriptive exercise involved in formulating policy proposals for a given problem.

Detailed description of content

The teaching consists primarily of class teaching, including inputs from lecturers, with the ongoing involvement of the students in discussions, exercises in group, group or individual presentations, as well as homework, feedback from lecturers and peer-feedback.

During the course the students must work towards the completion of their portfolio (i.e the exam form, including discussion of portfolio topic, presentation of portfolio or approval by teachers. Teaching consists of lectures combined with interactive discussions, guest lectures and presentations by developmental practitioners (for example NGOs, private sector, or state actors).

Recommended academic knowledge: basic or broad knowledge of development related policy options and challenges; understanding of some significant global and development challenges and solutions.

Course material and Reading list

Course literature and examples of policy briefs will be available on Moodle

Overall plan and expected work effort

The course is worth 5 ECTS which corresponds to 135 hours, so please adjust your workload accordingly. Students are expected to attend class and prepare by reading 2-3 compulsory academic texts for each session and to develop their portfolio, as well as actively contribute to group work. Students are also expected to regularly check Moodle and stay updated with changes and information.

Estimation of hours:

Class attendance: 20 hours

Preparation: 70 hours

Portfolio: 25 hours

Exam: 20 hours

Evaluation and feedback

This study activity is not part of ISE's evaluation rotation this semester, so it is not evaluated by the ISE Admin (by questionnaire).


Will be made available on Moodle before semester start.

Overall learning outcomes


Form of examination
Individual portfolio exam.

The character limit of the portfolio is maximum 24,000 characters, including spaces. Examples of written products are exercise responses, talking points for presentations, written feedback, reflections, written assignments. The preparation of the products may be subject to time limits.
The character limits include the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices.

The portfolio is written completely or partially during the course.

The entire portfolio must be handed in at the same time (uploaded to eksamen.ruc.dk). Handing in the portfolio or parts of the portfolio to the supervisor for feedback, cannot replace the upload to eksamen.ruc.dk.

Assessment: 7-point grading scale.
Form of Re-examination
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Type of examination in special cases
Examination and assessment criteria

Identify relevant actors, stakeholders, and positions

Apply course literature to analyze existing policy documents

Formulate the problem and propose coherent solutions and recommendations

Exam code(s)
Exam code(s) : U60123
Last changed 12/09/2024

lecture list:

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Tuesday 10-09-2024 14:15 - 10-09-2024 16:00 in week 37
Policy Analysis (GDS, EMGS)

Friday 20-09-2024 12:15 - 20-09-2024 14:00 in week 38
Policy Analysis (GDS, EMGS)

Tuesday 24-09-2024 14:15 - 24-09-2024 16:00 in week 39
Policy Analysis (GDS, EMGS)

Tuesday 01-10-2024 14:15 - 01-10-2024 16:00 in week 40
Policy Analysis (GDS, EMGS)

Tuesday 08-10-2024 14:15 - 08-10-2024 16:00 in week 41
Policy Analysis (GDS, EMGS)

Tuesday 15-10-2024 14:15 - 15-10-2024 16:00 in week 42
Policy Analysis (GDS, EMGS)

Tuesday 29-10-2024 14:15 - 29-10-2024 16:00 in week 44
Policy Analysis (GDS, EMGS)

Tuesday 05-11-2024 14:15 - 05-11-2024 16:00 in week 45
Policy Analysis (GDS, EMGS)

Tuesday 12-11-2024 14:15 - 12-11-2024 16:00 in week 46
Policy Analysis (GDS, EMGS)

Tuesday 26-11-2024 13:00 - 26-11-2024 15:00 in week 48
Policy Analysis (GDS, EMGS) - Excursion to Niras (see moodle)

Friday 03-01-2025 10:00 - 03-01-2025 10:00 in week 01
Policy Analysis - hand-in, exam (GDS, EMGS)

Wednesday 19-02-2025 10:00 - 19-02-2025 10:00 in week 08
Policy Analysis - hand-in, reexam (GDS, EMGS)