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Project oriented internship: Innovation and Innovation Management

Business studies * / Business Administration and Leadership *
Teaching language

Tilmelding sker via stads selvbetjening indenfor annonceret tilmeldingsperiode, som du kan se på Studieadministrationens hjemmeside

Når du tilmelder dig kurset, skal du være opmærksom på, om der er sammenfald i tidspunktet for kursusafholdelse og eksamen med andre kurser, du har valgt. Uddannelsesplanlægningen tager udgangspunkt i, at det er muligt at gennemføre et anbefalet studieforløb uden overlap. Men omkring valgfrie elementer og studieplaner som går ud over de anbefalede studieforløb, kan der forekomme overlap, alt efter hvilke kurser du vælger.

Registration is happing through stads selvbetjeningwithin the announced registration period, as you can see on the Studyadministration homepage.

When registering for courses, please be aware of the potential conflicts between courses or exam dates on courses. The planning of course activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programs which do not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programs, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose.

Learning outcomes/Assessment criteria


• Knowledge of innovation and entrepreneurship as a field of research.

• Knowledge of the process characteristics and systemic characteristics of innovation.

• Knowledge of how management participates in innovation processes.


• Skills in combining theoretical and practical studies of companies’ innovation and innovation management, taking into account external frameworks and internal conditions for innovation.

• Skills in implementing, documenting and presenting problem-oriented analyses and analytical results.


• Competency to critically formulate and assess the company’s development processes and management style, as well as its financial and social organisation.

• Competency to formulate clear, problem-oriented considerations and show confident methodological understanding.

• Competency to independently reflect, in a theoretical and practical manner and at a high academic standard, on the function and role that the student has played in the company.

Overall content

The goal of the internship is for students to acquire professional knowledge and skills in working with methodological and theoretical problems in innovation management and innovation processes, and to achieve competency in relation to specific tasks in a private or public sector company, organisation or association. This goal is fulfilled by the student compiling an internship project to demonstrate his or her ability to work independently and scientifically in relation to the organisation and management of innovation, and to reflect in a theoretical and methodological manner in relation to the business function that the student has carried out in the company. In the project report, the student must describe and document the academically relevant aspects of the issues and tasks that the student has worked with, and reflect on the observed practice in the field, the student’s own academic learning, and the relationship with and between practice and theory in the field.

Project Process

The internship encompasses:

• A maximum of 400 hours, included both the internship and the internship project report.

• The writing of an internship project report, the object of which is for the students to demonstrate the ability to reflect on their stay with the company and the skills they have applied there. It must be possible to use the report to discuss the experience students have acquired through the internship – in contrast to their abstract and analytical work with similar issues during their studies. The project report must refer to the overall academic topic of the semester.

The internship must be approved by the Study Board. Prior to commencing the internship, the student must seek advance approval for the host company. In its processing of the application, the Study Board must ensure that the student, through the project-oriented internship, achieves academic competencies that in scope and level correspond to the competencies that can be achieved through the ordinary study programme. If the application is approved, the Head of Studies will assign a supervisor. Guidance is provided to students during the actual internship.

Course material and Reading list

Internship projects are normally examined individually. The same rules apply as for an ordinary semester project.

Form of examination

The project work is assessed by an oral examination.

The examination takes the form of a conversation between the students, the examiner and the co-examiner. Students are examined on the basis of the entire project report, in such a way as to allow for individual assessment.

The length of the project must be between a minimum of 84,000 characters, including spaces, and a maximum of 240,000 characters, including spaces, depending on the number of students in the project group. The size specifications include the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices. Assignments that fail to meet the size specifications will be refused assessment, and one examination attempt will be deemed to have been used up.

1-4 students: at least 84,000 and no more than 144,000 characters

5 students: at least 84,000 and no more than 192,000 characters

6-8 students: at least 84,000 and no more than 240,000 characters

If the project report exceeds the above specification of the number of pages it will be refused assessment, which means that the student(s) cannot participate in the examination, and one examination attempt will have been deemed to have been used up. The grade awarded is based on a combined assessment of the project report and the oral examination.

Examination type
Individual examination
7-point grading scale
Internal (i.e. supervisor and an internal examiner assess)
STADS stamdata
belastning : 15 ECTS aktivitetskode : U40717
prøveform : Praktikprøve (ut) bedømmelse : 7-trinsskala censur : Intern censur
Last changed 21/11/2018

lecture list:

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Monday 27-05-2019 10:00 - 27-05-2019 10:00 in week 22
Project oriented internship: Innovation and Innovation Management - Hand-in, project (VL, VS)

Monday 17-06-2019 08:15 - Friday 28-06-2019 19:00 in week 25 and week 26
Project oriented internship: Innovation and Innovation Management - Exam period (VL, VS)

Thursday 01-08-2019 00:00 - Saturday 31-08-2019 00:00 in week 31 to week 35
Project oriented internship: Innovation and Innovation Management - Reexam period (VL, VS)