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Organisational Communication

Communication Studies *
master course
Teaching language

Tilmelding sker via stads selvbetjening indenfor annonceret tilmeldingsperiode, som du kan se på Studieadministrationens hjemmeside

Når du tilmelder dig kurset, skal du være opmærksom på, om der er sammenfald i tidspunktet for kursusafholdelse og eksamen med andre kurser, du har valgt. Uddannelsesplanlægningen tager udgangspunkt i, at det er muligt at gennemføre et anbefalet studieforløb uden overlap. Men omkring valgfrie elementer og studieplaner som går ud over de anbefalede studieforløb, kan der forekomme overlap, alt efter hvilke kurser du vælger.

Registration is happing through stads selvbetjeningwithin the announced registration period, as you can see on the Studyadministration homepage.

When registering for courses, please be aware of the potential conflicts between courses or exam dates on courses. The planning of course activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programs which do not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programs, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose.

Learning outcomes/Assessment criteria


  • Knowledge of and insight into major theories and methods within the field of organisational communication.

  • Knowledge and overview of the differences and similarities between various scientific approaches to understanding and analysing organisational communication.


  • Skills to identify communication problems in organisational contexts and consider these problems from various theoretical and methodological viewpoints.

  • Skills in reflecting critically and independently on the core concepts and basic assumptions of the theories in a linguistic form that is academically accurate, correct and clear.

  • Skills to be able to identify and analyse relevant empirical research in connection with analysis of organisational communication.


  • Competency to take independent responsibility for one’s own academic development and specialisation within the area of organisational analysis.
Overall content

The aim of the course is to enable students to discover and uncover the role of communication in specific organisational contexts, including being able to identify organisational problems caused by communication.

During the course, students will be introduced to key theories, models and concepts of organisational communication, with a starting-point in authentic cases. The starting-point of the course is that all organisations are characterised by an organisational culture, whether this is unique or an imitation, which forms the basis for various communication patterns governing what the members of the culture (do not) talk about, who they (do not) talk to, and how they (do not) talk to each other, etc. The course therefore starts with a discussion of various perspectives on the relationship between organisational culture and communication. Subsequently, the cultural perspective on organisational communication is expanded on and challenged by drawing upon other theoretical traditions.

Teaching and working methods

The course consists of a combination of lectures and discussions, and may involve group work and peer feedback. It is organised around a number of themes which will be stated at the beginning of the course.

Expected work effort (ECTS-declaration)

The expected workload in relation to the course is 135 hours (1 ECTS point = 27 work hours):

  • 24 hours of confrontation divided between lectures and assignments

  • 60 hours: 2,5 hours of preparation per hours of confrontation

  • 40 hours: The exam assignment

  • 11 hours: Other activities

Preparation includes reading the course curriculum and solving assignments during the course, which require preparation from home

Other activities includes introduction for the semester, searching for literature, participation in lectures, workshops, evaluation etc.

Form of examination

Written examination (home assignment)

An individual, set, written assignment, in which the student, on the basis of the course literature, demonstrates the ability to carry out a theoretically well-founded analysis of organisational communication. The student is given five days to complete the assignment.


The length of the assignment must be between a minimum of 9,600 characters, including spaces, and a maximum of 14,400 characters, including spaces. The size specifications include the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices. Papers that fail to meet the size specifications will be refused assessment, and one examination attempt will be deemed to have been used up.

Emphasis is placed on idiomatically, grammatically and orthographically correct language, the presentation must be clear and lucid, and references or other notes must be adequate and in conformity with good practice. The student must demonstrate mastery of a functional typography and layout. The choice of illustration material must be appropriate in relation to the examination’s content and form.

Form of re-examination

Re-examination takes the same form as the ordinary examination.

Examination type
Individual examination
7-point grading scale
None (i.e. course lecturer assesses)
Evaluation- and feedback forms

De(n) studerende modtager peer-feedback og underviserfeedback i forbindelse med diskussioner, øvelser og gruppearbejde. Endvidere modtager de(n) studerende underviserfeedback i forbindelse med eksamen, med fokus på styrker og svagheder.

Hvert 3. år gennemføres en formel evaluering af kurset. Evalueringen bygger på en digital spørgeskemaundersøgelse, og behandles af studieleder og studienævn. Dette gennemføres i foråret 2019.

Underviser kan også vælge at gennemføre en uformel evaluering af kurset (løbende og/eller afsluttende). Den uformelle evaluering behandles kun af underviser, med mindre underviser skønner at studieleder skal inddrages.

Responsible for the activity
Karsten Pedersen (kape@ruc.dk)
Emma Christensen (emch@ruc.dk)
Administration of exams
IKH Studyadministration (ikh-studyadministration@ruc.dk)
STADS stamdata
belastning : 5 ECTS aktivitetskode : U40990
prøveform : Skriftlig (ut) bedømmelse : 7-trinsskala censur : ingen censur
Last changed 16/01/2019

lecture list:

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Thursday 07-02-2019 08:15 - 07-02-2019 12:00 in week 06
Komm: Organizational Communication - Session 1

Wednesday 20-02-2019 13:15 - 20-02-2019 17:00 in week 08
Komm: Organizational Communication - Session 2

Friday 22-02-2019 08:15 - 22-02-2019 12:00 in week 08
Komm: Organizational Communication - Session 3

Friday 01-03-2019 08:15 - 01-03-2019 12:00 in week 09
Komm: Organizational Communication - Session 4

Friday 08-03-2019 08:15 - 08-03-2019 12:00 in week 10
Komm: Organizational Communication - Session 5

Friday 15-03-2019 08:15 - 15-03-2019 12:00 in week 11
Komm: Organizational Communication - Session 6

Friday 15-03-2019 12:00 - Friday 22-03-2019 12:00 in week 11 and week 12
Komm: Organizational Communication - Exam

Thursday 01-08-2019 09:00 - Thursday 08-08-2019 09:00 in week 31 and week 32
Komm: Organizational Communication - Reexam