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Preparatory Thesis Seminar: For students who will write their Master Thesis in aumtumn 2025

Business Administration and Leadership / Global and Development Studies / International Politics and Governance

The Preparatory Thesis Seminar is for students who will be writing their thesis next semester. The seminar consists of two sessions for GDS and IPG and three sessions for BAL, including group formation:

  • One held by the Study Administration about practicalities and rules
  • One held by a teacher from your programme about the academic perspectives (placed before or after the session with the Study Administration)

For time and place for the different programmes, see the lecture list below.

The seminar is conceived as a workshop where you will be given the opportunity to work on your ideas for the thesis and write down the draft of your thesis contract i.e. your MA thesis topic. The thesis contract should be sent to administration in the periode from 1-15 May 2025. It is on this basis that you will be allocated a relevant supervisor (with expertise in your field of research) for your MA thesis. We therefore strongly encourage your active participation in this seminar.

The seminar will touch upon the following subjects:

  • Choosing a theme for your thesis
  • ‘Choosing’ a supervisor
  • What is a good problem formulation?
  • Thesis with a partner (organization, company)?
  • Planning your process
  • Opportunity for group formation (for BAL students it will be two hours right after the BAL-session)

Thesis café:

In addition to the academic presentations, the Study Environment Tutors organise a café where you can drop by for a cup of coffee and some snacks. It takes place in the Foyer in building 25, right next to the administration's presentations. Among other things, you can hear about the possibility of getting a thesis office at ISE and join a network for solo thesis writers.


Each programme has a Moodle-page linked to the seminar, where you can read more about the day's programme, see potential thesis supervisors and more. You need to sign up for the relevant Moodle page yourself via the links below. Contact Student Assistant Signe Anker Sølling Pedersen (signeap@ruc.dk) if this causes problems.

(To be announced) Links to Moodle:

  • BAL/BS:
Sidst ændret 13/01/2025


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Tirsdag 08-04-2025 09:00 - 08-04-2025 12:30 i uge 15
Thesis café

Tirsdag 08-04-2025 09:30 - 08-04-2025 10:45 i uge 15
Preparatory thesis seminar (BAL)

Tirsdag 08-04-2025 11:00 - 08-04-2025 12:00 i uge 15
Information from the Study Administration (ISE)

Tirsdag 08-04-2025 12:30 - 08-04-2025 16:00 i uge 15
Project formation (BAL)

Tirsdag 08-04-2025 12:30 - 08-04-2025 15:15 i uge 15
Preparatory thesis seminar (GDS, IPG)