Title |
Integrated Science
Semester |
Master programme in |
Physics and Scientific Modelling
Type of activity |
Course |
Teaching language |
Study regulation | |
Registration |
Sign up for study activities at stads selvbetjening within the announced registration period, as you can see on the Studyadministration homepage. When signing up for study activities, please be aware of potential conflicts between study activities or exam dates. The planning of activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programs which do not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programs, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose. |
Number of participants |
Responsible for the activity |
Nicholas Bailey (nbailey@ruc.dk)
Head of study |
Nicholas Bailey (nbailey@ruc.dk)
Teachers |
Study administration |
INM Registration & Exams (inm-exams@ruc.dk)
Exam code(s) |
Overall objective |
The purpose of the course is to provide the student with an overview of the application, reflection and internal subject-matter perspectives in the field of mathematics and physics |
Detailed description of content |
Understand and compare the content of 2-3 IMFUFA seminars. There are 10-11 seminars during a semester and the program will be available around the start of semester. It is expected that students attend most or all of the seminars. The program will give the speaker names, titles and (in some cases) abstracts of the seminars. Students choose two or three seminars and a theme through which to compare them. The theme can be rather broadly defined, for example "different types of mathematical modelling". They write a report summarizing each seminar, including relevant back knowledge and a brief discussion of the connection with the theme for each seminar. An brief overall introduction is also expected. |
Course material and Reading list |
There is no pre-assigned syllabus/reading list. The program for IMFUFA Seminars contains abstracts for the seminars and in some cases references to relevant scientific literature. Often relevant literature will be given during the seminar and in most cases slides from the presentation can be obtained from the speaker afterwards. |
Overall plan and expected work effort |
The course gives 5 ECTS points; 5 ECTS corresponds to 135 hours of work. Student effort is allocated as follows (135 hours total):
Format |
Evaluation and feedback |
The course includes formative evaluation based on dialogue between the students and the teacher(s). Students are expected to provide constructive critique, feedback and viewpoints during the course if it is needed for the course to have better quality. Every other year at the end of the course, there will also be an evaluation through a questionnaire in SurveyXact. The Study Board will handle all evaluations along with any comments from the course responsible teacher. Furthermore, students can, in accordance with RUCs ‘feel free to state your views’ strategy through their representatives at the study board, send evaluations, comments or insights form the course to the study board during or after the course. |
Programme |
The detailed program, containing the speakers, titles and abstracts, will be available at the start of each semester. |
Overall learning outcomes |
After completing the course the students will be able to
Form of examination |
Individual written take-home assignment.
The character limit of the assignment is: 24,000-48,000 characters, including spaces. The character limit includes the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices. The students start writing the take-home assignment during the course. The duration is 28 days and may include public holidays. The submission deadline will be announced on study.ruc.dk. Assessment: Pass/Fail. |
Form of Re-examination |
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Type of examination in special cases |
Examination and assessment criteria |
The report will be evaluated on how well the student has been able to summarize and explain the essential content of the chosen seminars and connect them to the chosen theme. The students performence will be assessed by the following assessment criteria
Exam code(s) | |
Last changed | 18/11/2024 |