Title |
Advanced Eukaryotic Cell Biology 1 – Inside the Cell
Semester |
Master programme in |
Chemical Biology / Mathematical Bioscience / Molecular Health Science
Type of activity |
Course |
Teaching language |
Study regulation | |
Registration |
Sign up for study activities at stads selvbetjening within the announced registration period, as you can see on the Studyadministration homepage. When signing up for study activities, please be aware of potential conflicts between study activities or exam dates. The planning of activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programs which do not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programs, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose. |
Number of participants |
Responsible for the activity |
Pia Nyeng (pnyeng@ruc.dk)
Head of study |
Lotte Jelsbak (ljelsbak@ruc.dk)
Teachers |
Study administration |
INM Registration & Exams (inm-exams@ruc.dk)
Exam code(s) |
Overall objective |
Theoretical course in eukaryotic cell biology aiming to give the students a broad knowledge and understanding of form and function of cellular compartments and organelles as well as intracellular regulatory mechanisms |
Detailed description of content |
Content: We will discuss essential components and processes INSIDE the cell. The aim is to provide an overview of how the inner mechanisms of the cell support each other. We will follow a flow according to the central dogma: 1) Processes and components in the nucleus (DNA/mRNA) 2) Processes and components in the endomembrane system 3) How are the cellular processes coordinated and organized? (Signaling/Cytoskeleton). In problem-solving workshops we will practice how to interpret research data and form hypotheses within cell biology, enabling students to develop ideas for master thesis projects in cell & molecular biology. Topics include: Molecular structure of chromosomes, Control of gene expression, Membrane structure and transport, Biosynthesis and organelle sorting, Intracellular vesicular trafficking, Cytoskeleton, and Cell signaling. |
Course material and Reading list |
All course literature is in English. Textbook: “Molecular Biology of the Cell”, Alberts et al. 7.ed., Norton & Company 2022. ISBN 9780393884852 The curriculum also includes research papers, reviews, and movies, which will be mentioned in the course schedule on Moodle. |
Overall plan and expected work effort |
Study intensity:
- Total 135 hrs Teaching and learning activities
Format |
Evaluation and feedback |
The course includes formative evaluation based on dialogue between the students and the teacher(s). Students are expected to provide constructive critique, feedback and viewpoints during the course if it is needed for the course to have better quality. Every other year at the end of the course, there will also be an evaluation through a questionnaire in SurveyXact. The Study Board will handle all evaluations along with any comments from the course responsible teacher. Furthermore, students can, in accordance with RUCs ‘feel free to state your views’ strategy through their representatives at the study board, send evaluations, comments or insights form the course to the study board during or after the course. |
Programme |
The course includes a program with the following topics within eukaryotic cell biology. Each topic will be treated during lectures with active participation elements and concluded with a problem solving session. 1) Genetic organization, regulation and expression 2) Cellular membranes, compartments and vesicular trafficking 3) Cellular organization and signaling A more detailed program is provided in Moodle |
Overall learning outcomes |
After completing the course, the students will be able to:
Form of examination |
Individual written invigilated exam
The duration of the exam is 3 hours. Permitted support and preparation materials for the exam: Own notes (maximum 10 A4 size pages). Dictionaries and non-programmable pocket calculator. Assessment: 7-point grading scale |
Form of Re-examination |
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Type of examination in special cases |
Examination and assessment criteria |
Individual written invigilated exam consisting of a main question of 50 points and 5 minor sub-questions of 10 points each. Questions are essay-style and will include data interpretation. Evaluation criteria: It will be assessed to which degree the student:
Exam code(s) | |
Last changed | 06/01/2025 |