Title |
Research Design and Mixed Methods in Business Studies (Advanced methodology course - collection, treatment and analysis of data)
Semester |
Master programme in |
Business Administration and Leadership / Business Administration and Leadership / Law and Public Policy
Type of activity |
Course |
Teaching language |
Study regulation |
Read about the Master Programme and find the Study Regulations at ruc.dk |
Registration |
You register for activities through stads selvbetjening during the announced registration period, which you can see on the Study administration homepage. When registering for courses, please be aware of the potential conflicts and overlaps between course and exam time and dates. The planning of course activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programmes, which should not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programmes, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose. |
Number of participants |
Responsible for the activity | |
Head of study |
Mette Apollo Rasmussen (apollo@ruc.dk)
Teachers |
Jørn Kjølseth Møller (jom@ruc.dk) Slobodan Kacanski (kacanski@ruc.dk), Flemming Sørensen (flemmiso@ruc.dk) |
Study administration |
ISE Registration & Exams (ise-exams@ruc.dk)
Exam code(s) |
Overall objective |
Overall objective An advanced course in social scientific methodology aims to equip students to competently select and apply a given method for the collection, treatment and analysis of data, for the purpose of illuminating an academic problem. The course enables students to argue for the applicability and relevance of the method to the problem, and to master the techniques of the method at a professional level. |
Detailed description of content |
The course has the following objectives:
Intention and focus of the course: This course aims to train and engage students in the essential elements of methodology and re-search design through assigned readings for preparation, introductory lectures for learning and reflection, and student reflection and discussion in the class. The focus will be discussing quantita-tive and qualitative research designs, combining quantitative and qualitative data and methods in mixed research designs, and formulating appropriate research designs for the students' pro-jects. |
Course material and Reading list |
Selected journal articles and book chapters will be on Moodle before the start of the course. |
Overall plan and expected work effort |
Teaching, including presentations, dialogue, small exercises, and group work (20 hours) Class preparation, consisting of literature reading and preparation for activities related to writing a paper (60 hours) Activities related to writing and presenting a paper about using mixed methods in Business Studies (35 hours) Examination, including completion of paper and preparation for the oral examination (20 hours) Total: 135 hours (5 ECTS) |
Format |
Evaluation and feedback |
If, this semester, the activity is a part of the study board's evaluation rotation (not all activities offered are evaluated - only the ones chosen by the study board), the students will be asked to evaluate mid-term and by the end of the course according to the evaluation practice of the study board. |
Programme |
Course 1: Introduction to mixed methods and research design in Business studies. Course 2: Qualitative methods and research Course 3: Quantitative methods and research Course 4: Mixed Methods in Business Studies Course 5: Designing mixed methods studies Course 6: Mixed methods data collection Course 7: Mixed methods data analysis Course 8: Research Design and Strategies in Social Sciences Course 9: Perils, pitfalls, and considerations in mixed method designs Course 10: Writing up, presenting, and using mixed methods in philosophy of science |
Overall learning outcomes |
At the conclusion of the course, students will be able to:
Form of examination |
Individual oral exam based on a written product.
The character limit of the written product is 2,400-4,800 characters, including spaces. The character limits include the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices. Time allowed for exam including time used for assessment: 25 minutes. The assessment is an overall assessment of the written product(s) and the subsequent oral examination. Permitted support and preparation materials for the oral exam: Course material and own notes. Assessment: 7-point grading scale. Moderation: Internal co-assessor. |
Form of Re-examination |
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Type of examination in special cases |
Examination and assessment criteria |
Individual oral exam based on a written product. At the examination questions can be asked in the entire curriculum. |
Exam code(s) | |
Last changed | 24/01/2025 |