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Master Thesis

Master Thesis
Master programme in
Global and Development Studies
Type of activity

Master Thesis

Teaching language
Study regulation

Read about the Master Programme and find the Study Regulations at ruc.dk


You register for activities through stads selvbetjening during the announced registration period, which you can see on the Study administration homepage.

Number of participants
Responsible for the activity
Head of study
Markus-Michael Müller (muellerm@ruc.dk)
Study administration
ISE Registration & Exams (ise-exams@ruc.dk)
Exam code(s)
Overall objective

The objective of the master’s thesis is that the students achieve a coherent understanding of key issues covered by the training in Global and Development Studies. In addition, the students must be able to demonstrate mastery of scientifically qualified work on an in-depth level.

Detailed description of content

Your thesis work is carried out under supervision of a member of staff and constitutes a small research project that you conduct independently or in a small group. Supervision times should be coordinated with your supervisor during term.

Guidance on the use of quantitative methods in projects and theses

If you and your group find quantitative analyses relevant to answer your research question, and your supervisor cannot help, here is an offer of assistance. We offer a workshop where a group of researchers will talk about how to use quantitative data in projects and theses. We will present an overview of publicly available data sets, as well as the possibilities, if you wish to collect your own data. We expect you to have taken a course in basic quantitative methods (BC 8 or equivalent).

The workshop is held on February 26, 2025, 12:15-02:00 pm, in theory room 20.1-009

After the workshop you/your group will have the opportunity to book an appointment with a skilled student, who will help with downloading and preparing data for analysis and interpretation. If you need extra guidance on any particular issue, you will be referred to a relevant researcher. To schedule an appointment, please contact: Cassie Skjærbæk, cassies@ruc.dk

Course material and Reading list

Determined individually in collaboration between student and supervisor

Overall plan and expected work effort

** Workload ** The MA thesis accounts for 30 ECTS, which corresponds to 810 working hours and is distributed over the semester at approx. 40 hours a week. The tasks include preparation for and participation in supervision meetings as well as independent work on the thesis and exam.

** Activities **

Students will learn to work independently on their MA thesis.

At regular meetings with their allocated supervisors, they will receive feedback on draft sections of the thesis.

At regular supervision meetings students will also be expected to engage critically and discuss the overall development of the thesis as well as, among other things, the merits and limitations of their choice and use of scholarly literature, theoretical framework, methodological approach, case study and empirical data and analysis.

Evaluation and feedback

If, this semester, the activity is a part of the study board's evaluation rotation (not all activities offered are evaluated - only the ones chosen by the study board), the students will be asked to evaluate mid-term and by the end of the activity according to the evaluation practice of the study board.


Will be made available on Moodle before semester start.

Overall learning outcomes
  • Students acquire research-based knowledge of selected subject areas within the field of Global and Development Studies. They achieve an understanding of, and reflection on, how their own thesis research fits into its academic context. They gain knowledge and understanding of the academic field and audience that the master thesis is addresses, as well as skills in using and applying scientific theories and methods while working with a defined, professional and relevant research question. They enhance their skills in identifying scientific research questions and in, analysing, categorising, discussing, arguing, reflecting, and evaluating on a scientific basis. This includes their ability to critically address and choose scientific sources, literature, theory and methods.

  • Students acquire research-based knowledge of selected subject areas and understanding of, and reflection on, how their own thesis research fits into its academic context. They gain knowledge and understanding of the academic field and audience to which the master thesis is addressed as well as skills in using and applying scientific theories and methods while working with a defined, professional and relevant research question. They enhance their skills in identifying scientific research questions as well as in, analysing, categorising, discussing, arguing, reflecting, and evaluating on a scientific basis. This includes their ability to critically address and choose scientific sources, literature, theory and methods. Students also advance their skills in discussing and participating in academic argumentation, writing in accordance with academic text norms and for an academic audience.

  • Students gain competences in autonomously initiating, managing and completing a long-term academic research and writing process. They also become competent in identifying and taking responsibility for their own professional and written language development and specialization.

Form of examination
Master thesis written individually or in a group. Permitted group size: 2-4 students.

The student(s) can choose whether the assessment should be based on solely the written product or on both the written product and the oral exam.

The character limits of the master thesis are:
for 1 student: 115,200-163,200 characters, including spaces.
For 2 students: 141,600-182,400 characters, including spaces.
For 3 students: 163,200-204,000 characters, including spaces.
For 4 students: 172,800-223,200 characters, including spaces.

The character limits include the cover, table of contents, summary, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices.

The master thesis must include a summary. The summary can either be written in English or Danish.
The summary is included in the overall assessment.

Before submitting a master thesis written by a group, that have chosen an assessment solely based on the written product, each member of the group must clearly indicate which part(s) of the thesis they are responsible for.
All group members are responsible for the introduction, conclusion and summary.

The oral exam is individual for students that have written the thesis alone, or students that have requested an individual exam. All other oral master thesis exams are conducted as group exams.

Time allowed for exam including time used for assessment for:
1 student: 30 minutes.
2 students: 60 minutes.
3 students: 75 minutes.
4 students: 90 minutes.

There will be an individual assessment of each student’s performance.
The assessment is an overall assessment of the master thesis and, where relevant, the oral performance.

Writing and spelling skills in the thesis are part of the assessment and will count for 5 percent.

Permitted support and preparation materials at the oral exam: All.

Assessment: 7-point grading scale.
Moderation: External examiner.
Form of Re-examination
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Type of examination in special cases
Examination and assessment criteria

Knowledge and understanding of the academic genre and the academic audience to which the master thesis is addressed.

Skills in using and mastering scientific theories and methods while working with a defined, professional and relevant research question

Proficiency in identifying scientific research questions

Skills in analysing, categorising, discussing, arguing, reflecting and evaluating on a scientific basis

Skills in critically addressing and choosing scientific sources, literature, theory and methods

Exam code(s)
Exam code(s) : U60127
Last changed 19/12/2024

lecture list:

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Tuesday 11-02-2025 09:15 - 11-02-2025 16:00 in week 07
Thesis workshop (GDS, GS, IDS, IPAP, IPG)

Wednesday 12-02-2025 09:15 - 12-02-2025 16:00 in week 07
Thesis workshop (GDS, GS, IDS, IPAP, IPG)

Monday 02-06-2025 10:00 - 02-06-2025 10:00 in week 23
Master Thesis in Global and Development Studies - Master Thesis hand-in, exam