Title |
Advanced Organisation and Change
Semester |
Master programme in |
Business Administration and Leadership
Type of activity |
Course |
Teaching language |
Study regulation |
Read about the Master Programme and find the Study Regulations at ruc.dk |
Registration |
You register for activities through stads selvbetjening during the announced registration period, which you can see on the Study administration homepage. When registering for courses, please be aware of the potential conflicts and overlaps between course and exam time and dates. The planning of course activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programmes, which should not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programmes, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose. |
Number of participants |
Responsible for the activity | |
Head of study |
Mette Apollo Rasmussen (apollo@ruc.dk)
Teachers |
Study administration |
ISE Registration & Exams (ise-exams@ruc.dk)
Exam code(s) |
Overall objective |
The objective of the course is to equip students with advanced, research-based knowledge about organisation in companies and organisations. The course introduces and discusses theories relevant to the ways that managers and employees organise their business or organisation. The course also provides students with research-based knowledge about intra- and inter-organisational change, change management and the external factors that influence organisational change, such as sustainable restructuring and technological restructuring. |
Detailed description of content |
This course is an advanced course in organization and change. The first course session provides a general introduction to how organizational change can be conceived of and understood and an introduction to the two different themes of the course: 1. An organizational translation theory perspective on change and, 2. A field perspective on organizational change informed by Pierre Bourdieu. The organizational translation theory perspective on change has developed in recent years in organization studies and emphasizes that what innovative management ideas like LEAN, CSR and the "regenerative organization" etc. become in practice is decided by their "becoming", that is, by the translation process these ideas go through in the organization. It is emphasized that ideas are moved by people through translation chains and that they are not just transferred but rather translated and politically negotiated as they move. This is contrasted with a field perspective on organizational change that provides an understanding of how structural context and conditions for change should be seen as interlaced with situated performance of various organizational change initiatives and thus change is understood in the meeting between the ‘macro’ the ‘meso’ and the ‘micro’ in terms of the economic, political and cultural conditions for change and how particular conditions of fields get embodied in the habitus of organizational actors and other members of a field. The perspective emphasizes the importance of understanding organizational changes in their particular contexts . |
Course material and Reading list |
Scheuer, J.D. (2021): How Ideas Move - Theories and Models of Translation in Organizations, Routledge. S. Robinson, J. Ernst, O. J. Thomassen, & K. Larsen (Eds.) (2022), Pierre Bourdieu in studies of organization and management: Societal change and transforming fields. Routledge. The above mentioned books are key books that we use chapters from in the course. You may access both of the books through the external book databases of the RUC library for free. Further information about the rest of the syllabus will be posted on Moodle prior to the start of the course. |
Overall plan and expected work effort |
The 10 ECTS points of the course represent a 270-hour workload, divided up as follows: - 150 hours: reading preparation - 42 hours: preparation for exercises - 30 hours: participation in lectures and exercises - 48 hours: examination preparation and examination |
Format |
Evaluation and feedback |
Feedback to the students on exercises is given during the course. If the course is a part of the study board's evaluation rotation (not all courses offered are evaluated - only the ones chosen by the study board), the students will be asked to evaluate mid-term and by the end of the course according to the evaluation practice of the study board. |
Programme |
The course is structured around study modules of 10 x 3 hours each, which will typically consist of 2 lecture hours and 1 exercise hour. The introductory lecture will provide an overview of the course and present learning goals and criteria for the evaluation of exam essays. |
Overall learning outcomes |
Form of examination |
Individual written take-home assignment.
The character limit of the assignment is: maximum 14,400 characters, including spaces. The character limit includes the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices. The duration of the take-home assignment is 48 hours and may include weekends and public holidays. Assessment: 7-point grading scale. |
Form of Re-examination |
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Type of examination in special cases |
Examination and assessment criteria |
The grade expresses an assessment of the degree to which the student has achieved the learning outcomes above, i.e. to what extent the student: • Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the theories and methods of analysis of organization and organizational change covered in the course. • Is able to apply the theories and methods introduced in the course to answer the examination question • Relate independently, critically and reflectively to the choice of theories and methods in answering the exam question. • Justify the choice of theories and methods in this context and • Demonstrate academic writing - i.e. produce a response that is well structured and referenced according to current standards of academic texts. |
Exam code(s) | |
Last changed | 19/12/2024 |