Title |
Management and leadership of social entrepreneurship in a multi-stakeholder context
Semester |
Master programme in |
Social Entrepreneurship and Management
Type of activity |
Course |
Teaching language |
Study regulation |
Read about the Master Programme and find the Study Regulations at ruc.dk |
Registration |
You register for activities through stads selvbetjening during the announced registration period, which you can see on the Study administration homepage. When registering for courses, please be aware of the potential conflicts and overlaps between course and exam time and dates. The planning of course activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programmes, which should not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programmes, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose. |
Number of participants |
Responsible for the activity |
Maria Duclos Lindstrøm (marial@ruc.dk)
Head of study |
Christine Revsbech (crevsbech@ruc.dk)
Teachers |
Study administration |
IMT Registration & Exams (imt-exams@ruc.dk)
Exam code(s) |
Overall objective |
The student will gain critical insight into both classical and recent theories on management and leadership relative to social entrepreneurship and social enterprises. The purpose of the course is to enable students to understand and analyse multi-stakeholder leadership and management related to social entrepreneurship and social enterprises and transformation processes in complex contexts, with particular reference to recent organisational and managerial forms. The course includes an overview and specialization in methodological and theoretical approaches to multi-stakeholder leadership and management processes in social entrepreneurship and social enterprises. The course follows current developments in the field and integrates them with an understanding of how to analyse complex research questions in and around social entrepreneurship, social enterprises and leadership. |
Detailed description of content |
Methods: You will learn methods in how to study microprocesses in leadership situations, and you will apply such methods in a case selected by your group. Concepts, theories: You will gain a brief overview of classic leadership theories and concepts from both a trait, skill, behavioral and relationship perspective. The course, however, emphasizes recent leadership theories, and discusses the convergence of the general leadership theories and theories specific for social entrepreneurship and management. You are also introduced to methods and analytical perspectives related to a complex responsive process approach. Data, materials: During the course we will discuss some cases. However, the most comprehensive case, will we selected by your group, and analyzed by your group in regard to your group-synopsis. |
Course material and Reading list |
Carroll, B. J. Ford & S. Taylor: Leadership. Contemporary critical perspectives. 2nd ed., Sage 2019. In addition to this basic textbooks, the reading list consists of scientific articles for each lecture. These will appear at Moodle with links to articles in the library database. |
Overall plan and expected work effort |
Study intensity 10 ECST = 270 hours Lectures: 36 hours, Preparation (reading + small exercises): 101 hours, preparation of group synopsis 115 hours per student (including feedback), exam (including preparation of small presentation) 20 hours, a total of 270 hours (total 10 ects) Teaching and learning activities
Format |
Evaluation and feedback |
The course is evaluated with an individual survey and with an oral evaluation in class of the last session of the course. There is continuous alignment of expectations and feedback throughout the course via joint discussions. At the end of the course, students will conduct an oral evaluation that is summarized in writing and sent to the semester coordinator (to inform the head of study and the study board). Every 6th semester, at minimum, there will be an additional survey-based evaluation. Every semester the study board will review evaluations in the light of continuous quality development of the program. You can read more on the study boards page on the intranet. |
Programme |
Overall learning outcomes |
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Form of examination |
Oral group exam based on a product written by a group.
Permitted group size: 2-7 students. The character limit of the written product is: For 2 students: maximum 21,600 characters, including spaces. For 3 students: maximum 21,600 characters, including spaces. For 4 students: maximum 21,600 characters, including spaces. For 5 students: maximum 21,600 characters, including spaces. For 6 students: maximum 21,600 characters, including spaces. For 7 students: maximum 21,600 characters, including spaces. The character limits include the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices. Time allowed for exam including time used for assessment is for: 2 students: 20 minutes. 3 students: 35 minutes. 4 students: 50 minutes. 5 students: 65 minutes. 6 students: 80 minutes. 7 students: 90 minutes. The assessment is individual and based on the student's individual performance. The assessment is an overall assessment of the written product(s) and the subsequent oral examination.. Permitted support and preparation materials at the oral exam: All. Assessment: 7-point grading scale. Moderation: Internal co-assessor. |
Form of Re-examination |
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Type of examination in special cases |
Examination and assessment criteria |
The synopsis shall focus on a specific case that reflects specific aspects of leadership in an organizational situation within the field of social entrepreneurship and social enterprises. The situation shall be discussed using relevant concepts from the course literature on leadership in complexity and change. The leadership theories must be chosen from the course literature, and only recent ones must be used. The synopsis can be related to the group's semester project. The synopsis must:
Assessment will be based on the degree to which the student fulfils the criteria listed above as well as to which degree the student presents well-structured arguments (orally and in the synopsis) based on theoretical literature from the syllabus and secondary or primary empirical evidence related to a case relevant to the course. |
Exam code(s) | |
Last changed | 28/10/2024 |