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Advanced Finance

Advanced Finance
Master programme in
Business Administration and Leadership / Social Entrepreneurship and Management / Business Administration and Leadership
Type of activity


Teaching language
Study regulation

Read about the Master Programme and find the Study Regulations at ruc.dk


You register for activities through stads selvbetjening during the announced registration period, which you can see on the Study administration homepage.

When registering for courses, please be aware of the potential conflicts and overlaps between course and exam time and dates. The planning of course activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programmes, which should not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programmes, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose.

Number of participants
Responsible for the activity
Johannes Kabderian Dreyer (jodreyer@ruc.dk)
Head of study
Mette Apollo Rasmussen (apollo@ruc.dk)
Study administration
ISE Registration & Exams (ise-exams@ruc.dk)
Exam code(s)
Overall objective

Advanced study course in business administration.

The course covers core concepts and theories within modern financial economics. It includes methods of project and investment evaluations, mainly with focus on capital markets and asset-pricing. It involves students in advanced discussions on the applications of capital budgeting techniques as well as analysis of the relationship between risk and return of single investment projects or portfolios (portfolio theory).

Main topics include, but are not restricted to asset valuation, capital budgeting, investment diversification, portfolio selection, pricing of risky assets and equilibrium prices under different assumptions of market efficiency.

Detailed description of content

Overall Content:

Students are expected to learn theories and methods used in financial management for evaluating investments opportunities. They learn to identify and collect relevant data as well as to choose relevant financial theories to help them undertake investment decisions.

The course literature varies and is a collection of articles and chapters of different sources indicated by the teacher.

Although flexible, examples of expected topics to be covered are:

  • Consolidation of Accounting Information in Financial Models;
  • Capital Budgeting in practice;
  • Risk and Return of Single assets and Projects;
  • Risk Management and Diversification;
  • The Efficient Frontier in practice;
  • Required Return x Systematic Risk: Advanced thoughts on the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT).
Course material and Reading list

Given the diversified literature used along the course, literature and lists of exercises will be posted at moodle.

Overall plan and expected work effort

5 ECTS, equivalent to 135 hours of work

Expected distribution of hours are as follows:

20 hours of lectures 111 hours preparation for classes: 55 hours theory, 56 hours exercises
4 hours exam

Teaching and learning activities:

Teaching and learning activities will be mainly conducted through: - In class teaching; - Homework individually or in study groups.



Evaluation and feedback

The course is a part of the study board's evaluation rotation this semester. The students will be asked to evaluate mid-term and by the end of the course (a survey) according to the evaluation practice of the study board.

  • 10 meetings of 2 hours
  • Most exercises are done by students at home as preparation for classes. They are optional, although students are highly recommended to use them as practice material.
  • The exam is done in the end of the course. Grades are solely based on the result of the exam, even though active student participation during lectures may also contribute to the final grade.
  • Mid-term and final student evaluations of the course are expected to be done between the 4th and the 6th lectures and in the final lecture (10th lecture) of the course.
Overall learning outcomes

  • Students are expected to learn theories and methods used in financial management for evaluating investment opportunities. They learn to identify and collect relevant data, as well as how to choose relevant financial theories to help them undertake investment decisions.

Form of examination
Individual written invigilated exam.

The duration of the exam is 4 hours.

Permitted support and preparation materials for the exam: Computer without internet access during the exam, pocket calculator, course material and own notes.

Assessment: 7-point grading scale.
Form of Re-examination
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Type of examination in special cases
Examination and assessment criteria

It will be assessed to which degree the student demonstrates

  • Ability to understand the theories and methods covered by the syllabus of the course;
  • Ability to reflect upon the theories and methods covered in a critical way;
  • Ability to implement/use these theories and methods in order to solve practical problems in finance.
  • Ability to recommend financial decisions based on the conclusions of their own financial analysis.

Even though important, English proficiency is secondary in the final assessment. The points of the exam will be weighted to make the exam coherent with the weighting of each topic in the syllabus.

Exam code(s)
Exam code(s) : U60283GB
Last changed 11/09/2024

lecture list:

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Wednesday 11-09-2024 14:15 - 11-09-2024 16:00 in week 37
Advanced Finance (BAL, VL)

Friday 13-09-2024 12:15 - 13-09-2024 14:00 in week 37
Advanced Finance (BAL, VL)

Wednesday 18-09-2024 14:15 - 18-09-2024 16:00 in week 38
Advanced Finance (BAL, VL)

Friday 20-09-2024 12:15 - 20-09-2024 14:00 in week 38
Advanced Finance (BAL, VL)

Wednesday 25-09-2024 14:15 - 25-09-2024 16:00 in week 39
Advanced Finance (BAL, VL)

Friday 27-09-2024 12:15 - 27-09-2024 14:00 in week 39
Advanced Finance (BAL, VL)

Wednesday 02-10-2024 14:15 - 02-10-2024 16:00 in week 40
Advanced Finance (BAL, VL)

Friday 04-10-2024 12:15 - 04-10-2024 14:00 in week 40
Advanced Finance (BAL, VL)

Wednesday 09-10-2024 14:15 - 09-10-2024 16:00 in week 41
Advanced Finance (BAL, VL)

Friday 11-10-2024 12:15 - 11-10-2024 14:00 in week 41
Advanced Finance (BAL, VL)

Monday 18-11-2024 09:00 - 18-11-2024 13:00 in week 47
Advanced Finance - Exam (BAL, VL)

Monday 10-02-2025 09:00 - 10-02-2025 13:00 in week 07
Advanced Finance - Reexam (BAL, VL)