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Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies

Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies
Master programme in
Global and Development Studies / European Master in Global Studies
Type of activity


Teaching language
Study regulation

Read about the Master Programme and find the Study Regulations at ruc.dk


You register for activities through stads selvbetjening during the announced registration period, which you can see on the Study administration homepage.

When registering for courses, please be aware of the potential conflicts and overlaps between course and exam time and dates. The planning of course activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programmes, which should not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programmes, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose.

Number of participants
Responsible for the activity
Markus-Michael Müller (muellerm@ruc.dk)
Head of study
Markus-Michael Müller (muellerm@ruc.dk)
Study administration
ISE Registration & Exams (ise-exams@ruc.dk)
Exam code(s)
Overall objective

The Foundation Course provides students with key theoretical and conceptional knowledge required for a successful completion of the Global and Development Studies MA program. Offering a theoretical understanding of global and development processes as the results of interlinked practices and structures that cut across Global North-South divides, the course allows students to analyse global social, political and economic actors, relations and institutions, including their histories, contemporary manifestations and related power hierarchies. On that basis, it familiarizes students with academic discussions on resulting global and development challenges, such as conflicts, geopolitical competition, questions of justice, migration, inequality and sustainability, and their effects on societies, markets, and political orders.

Detailed description of content

This course navigates the complex landscape of global and development processes, emphasizing their interlinked nature across Global North-South divides. Organized along 12 sessions, and through mix of historical insights and contemporary discussions, students gain analytical tools to comprehend and engage with contemporary global challenges like conflicts, inequality, and sustainability in today’s interconnected world.

Course material and Reading list

Will be specified on Moodle.

Overall plan and expected work effort

"10 ETCS​: 270 hours

Expected workload in relation to the course: 

  • 48 hours: Confrontation hours divided between lectures and assignments 

  • 120 hours: hours preparation per confrontation 

  • 80 hours: Exam assignment 

  • 22 hours: Other activities  "



Evaluation and feedback

This study activity is not part of ISE's evaluation rotation this semester, so it is not evaluated by the ISE Admin (by questionnaire).


Will be specified on Moodle.

Overall learning outcomes

  • Students acquire knowledge of key theoretical and analytical approaches to study of interlinked global and development processes and their consequences for societies, markets, and political orders. They learn how to assess contemporary global challenges against the background of different theoretical and analytical approaches and to evaluate the potentials and problems inherent to the theories for addressing these challenges.

  • Students can critically reflect on key theoretical frameworks and concepts introduced in the course and are able to communicate their knowledge in a an academically accurate and consistent way.

Form of examination
Individual portfolio exam

The character limit of the portfolio is 12,000-14,400 characters, including spaces. Examples of written products are exercise responses, talking points for presentations, written feedback, reflections, written assignments. The preparation of the products may be subject to time limits.
The character limits include the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices.

The portfolio is written partially during the course.

The entire portfolio must be handed in at the same time.

Assessment: 7-point grading scale
Form of Re-examination
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Type of examination in special cases
Examination and assessment criteria

The student should demonstrate: Critical engagement with course readings. Ability to apply relevant course literature and theories to analyze a Global and Development challenge. Abililty to synthesize course concepts in visual analysis.

Exam code(s)
Exam code(s) : U60115
Last changed 12/09/2024

lecture list:

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Monday 09-09-2024 12:15 - 09-09-2024 16:00 in week 37
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies (GDS)

Thursday 12-09-2024 08:15 - 12-09-2024 10:00 in week 37
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies (GDS)

Monday 16-09-2024 12:15 - 16-09-2024 14:00 in week 38
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies (GDS)

Monday 23-09-2024 12:15 - 23-09-2024 14:00 in week 39
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies (GDS)

Thursday 26-09-2024 08:15 - 26-09-2024 10:00 in week 39
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies (GDS)

Monday 30-09-2024 12:15 - 30-09-2024 14:00 in week 40
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies (GDS)

Thursday 03-10-2024 08:15 - 03-10-2024 10:00 in week 40
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies (GDS)

Monday 07-10-2024 12:15 - 07-10-2024 14:00 in week 41
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies (GDS)

Thursday 10-10-2024 08:15 - 10-10-2024 10:00 in week 41
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies (GDS)

Friday 18-10-2024 08:15 - 18-10-2024 10:00 in week 42
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies (GDS)

Thursday 24-10-2024 08:15 - 24-10-2024 10:00 in week 43
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies (GDS)

Monday 28-10-2024 12:15 - 28-10-2024 14:00 in week 44
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies (GDS)

Friday 22-11-2024 10:00 - 22-11-2024 10:00 in week 47
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies - hand-in, exam (GDS)

Monday 17-02-2025 10:00 - 17-02-2025 10:00 in week 08
Foundation Course in Global and Development Studies - hand-in, reexam (GDS)