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Basic project 1: Project Focusing on Project Management

Bachelor in Global Humanities
Activity type
basic project
Teaching language

Students on their 1st semester will be registered automatically.

If you are taking the project again and are not on your 1st semester, please contact hib-exams@ruc.dk.

Expected work effort (ECTS-declaration)

Project work is 15 ECTS corresponding to a 405 hour workload.

Course material and Reading list

In terms of content, the project must be anchored within at least one of the humanistic dimensions.

Evaluation- and feedback forms

Project work is carried out in a dialogue with the supervisor who gives feedback on the progress of the project. The project work is evaluated in the house in cooperation with the house coordinator and the academic committee.

Head of studies/academic coordinator
Anne H. Fabricius (fabri@ruc.dk)
Administration of exams
GH Registration & Exams (gh-exams@ruc.dk)
Responsible for the activity
Anne H. Fabricius (fabri@ruc.dk)
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
  • Knowledge and understanding of humanist theories, methods and concepts relevant to the chosen problem formulation

  • Proficiency in problem-oriented project work anchored within one or several of the humanistic dimensions

  • Proficiency in the use of humanist theories, methods and concepts relevant to the chosen problem formulation

  • Proficiency in the use of the project work method in connection with project selection, problem formulation, information and literature search, report writing and evaluation

  • Competences in problem-oriented project work in cooperation with other students and a supervisor

Overall content

The project should be based on an exemplary humanistic research question through which the project’s learning objectives can be satisfied. The project’s focus on project management should be evident from the project report.

Prerequisites for participation in the exam

A prerequisite for participating in the examination is that the project is anchored in at least one of the four academic dimensions.

Before the student can take the examination, they must have participated to a satisfactory extent in the problem formulation seminar and mid-term seminar (the project seminars). The project seminars serve as regular evaluations of the project work.

The aim of the project seminars is for the student to acquire the knowledge, skills and competences described for the ongoing projects the evaluations relate to. Additionally, the aim is for the student to acquire competences in giving and receiving academic critique.

The project seminars are described in further detail in appendix 2 of the study regulation.

If the student has not participated in the project seminars to a satisfactory extent, the student must make up for their lack of participation by submitting a written commentary, the contents of which should correspond to having actively participated in the seminar in question. The replacement task for the problem seminar must be submitted prior to the date of the mid-term seminar. The replacement task for the mid-term seminar must be submitted no later than 14 days before submitting the project. The guidelines for the written commentary are as follows:

  • The replacement paper for the problem formulation seminar must contain an academic reflection on the opponent group’s problem formulation. The replacement paper must be between 2,400 and 4,800 characters (including spaces) in length.
  • The replacement paper for the mid-term seminar must contain an academic critique of the opponent group’s mid-term report. The replacement paper must be between 4,800 and 9,600 characters (including spaces) in length.

Competences in problem-oriented project work in cooperation with other students and a supervisor.

Written submissions with too few or too many characters can be rejected for assessment.

In order for the student to take the examination, the written commentary must first be approved by the project supervisor.

Teaching and working methods

Problem-oriented project work under expert supervision

Type of activity


Form of examination
Group exam for the participants in the project work.

The exam is based on the students’ project report. The exam includes individual presentations on a topic of the students’ own choice. The topic must be relevant to the issues highlighted in the project report. Each individual presentation lasts up to 5 minutes. The individual presentations are followed by a dialogue between the students and the assessors based on the project.

There may be posed questions related to the subject area of the project report.

The assessment is individual and is based on the project report and the student´s oral performance.

Permitted group size: 3-7 students.

The character limits of the project report are:
For 3 students: 57,600-93,600 characters, including spaces.
For 4 students: 76,800-124,800 characters, including spaces.
For 5 students: 96,000-156,000 characters, including spaces.
For 6 students: 115,200-187,200 characters, including spaces.
For 7 students: 134,400-206,400 characters, including spaces.
The character limits include the cover, table of contents, abstract, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude appendices.

The project report must include an abstract in English, that is part of the assessment.

Time allowed for the exam including time used for assessment is for:
3 students: 75 minutes.
4 students: 90 minutes.
5 students: 105 minutes.
6 students: 120 minutes.
7 students: 135 minutes.

Writing and spelling skills in the project report are part of the assessment.

Permitted support and preparation materials during the exam: All.

Assessment: 7-point grading scale
Moderation: Internal co-assessor.
Form of Re-examination
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Exam code(s)
Exam code(s) : U40696
Last changed 19/07/2024

lecture list:

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Monday 02-09-2024 08:15 - 02-09-2024 18:00 in week 36
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Group formation (GH)

Tuesday 03-09-2024 08:15 - 03-09-2024 14:00 in week 36
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Group formation (GH)

Wednesday 04-09-2024 08:15 - 04-09-2024 14:00 in week 36
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Group formation (GH)

Thursday 05-09-2024 08:15 - 05-09-2024 14:00 in week 36
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Group formation (GH)

Monday 09-09-2024 12:15 - 09-09-2024 18:00 in week 37
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Group formation (GH)

Tuesday 10-09-2024 08:15 - 10-09-2024 12:00 in week 37
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Group formation (GH)

Wednesday 11-09-2024 08:15 - 11-09-2024 14:00 in week 37
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Group formation (GH)

Friday 13-09-2024 12:15 - 13-09-2024 16:00 in week 37
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Group formation (GH)

Tuesday 24-09-2024 14:15 - 24-09-2024 16:00 in week 39
House Meeting (GH): Diversity and Inclusion in GH

Monday 30-09-2024 08:15 - Friday 04-10-2024 18:00 in week 40
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Problem Definition Seminar (GH)

Tuesday 08-10-2024 14:15 - 08-10-2024 16:00 in week 41
House Meeting (GH): How’s it going, one month in?

Tuesday 22-10-2024 14:15 - 22-10-2024 16:00 in week 43
House Meeting (GH): Conflict management in group work

Friday 25-10-2024 12:30 - 25-10-2024 14:00 in week 43
House Meeting (GH): Student exchange

Monday 04-11-2024 08:15 - Friday 08-11-2024 18:00 in week 45
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Mid-term Seminar (GH)

Thursday 14-11-2024 10:15 - 14-11-2024 12:00 in week 46
House Meeting (GH): The Chicago Principles and academic freedom

Wednesday 18-12-2024 10:00 - 18-12-2024 10:00 in week 51
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Project hand-in, exam (GH)

Monday 20-01-2025 08:15 - Friday 31-01-2025 18:00 in week 04 and week 05
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Oral Project exam (GH)

Monday 03-02-2025 08:15 - Friday 28-02-2025 18:00 in week 06 to week 09
BP1: Project focusing on Project Management // Oral project Re-exam (GH)