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27/6-23 - AFLYST i E23 - Sundhedsstudier i relation til en specifik tematik: Global Health: Promotion, Policies and Practices

27/6-23 - AFLYST i E23 - Sundhedsstudier i relation til en specifik tematik: Global Health: Promotion, Policies and Practices
Master programme in
Tværvidenskabelige Sundhedsstudier
Type of activity
Teaching language
Study regulation

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Tilmelding sker via STADS-Selvbetjening indenfor annonceret tilmeldingsperiode, som du kan se på Studieadministrationens hjemmeside

Når du tilmelder dig kurset, skal du være opmærksom på, om der er sammenfald i tidspunktet for kursusafholdelse og eksamen med andre kurser, du har valgt. Uddannelsesplanlægningen tager udgangspunkt i, at det er muligt at gennemføre et anbefalet studieforløb uden overlap. Men omkring valgfrie elementer og studieplaner som går ud over de anbefalede studieforløb, kan der forekomme overlap, alt efter hvilke kurser du vælger.

Number of participants

There must be at least 25 students registered for this course

Responsible for the activity
Rashmi Singla (rashmi@ruc.dk)
Vivian Barnekow (vivianb@ruc.dk)
Head of study
Nicole Thualagant (nicole@ruc.dk)
Study administration
IMT Tilmelding & Eksamen (imt-eksamen@ruc.dk)
Exam code(s)
Overall objective
Detailed description of content

Global Health is constituted through practices, research, and teaching that typically focus on the biological, socioeconomic, environmental, and cultural aspects of disease and well-being. Within this paradigm, health becomes much more than a medical matter. Rather, as we will explore in this course, it is an important issue affected by borders, class, gender, ethnicity, culture, and communication.

Although most societies have recognized that the supporting good health of citizens is a state responsibility, and have established health systems that attempt to prevent and treat disease and promote health, major challenges to promoting health globally still exist. These include power differentials, cultural dynamics, and differing understandings of the methods to achieve a healthy society. Contemporary interventions undertaken in the name of promoting global health represent both new trends and enduring challnges relating to international efforts to improve living conditions in poorer populations. The predicaments and paradoxes that characterize global health interventions therefore also reflect important insights about the dilemmas of international development aid today.

This 5 ECTS course proposes to introduce some of the key issues in health promotion work in an increasingly interdependent globalized world. The course exemplifies current paradoxes, dilemmas, and approaches by taking a point of departure in recent research studies on health policies, health promotion, and development. The course will focus on key concepts, methods, structures, policies, and practices along with attention to the health promoter's own position, as well as frictions and dilemmas in the field.

This interdisciplinary, interactive course provides students with the intellectual skills, empirical knowledge, and research techniques required to think critically and independently about these issues.

Case studies are presented and discussed with students.

The aim of the course is to support and further develop the students’ theoretical knowledge, practical and empirical experience about global health and contribute to their career opportunities in a growing health promotion sector.

Internationally recognized experts from the World Health Organization and technical areas will be providing input to some of the course themes. Interdisciplinary Studies in Health Promotion and Health Strategies organize the course.

The course will be conducted in English, and also the group essay as a part of the examination will be in English. Please note that some changes in the sequence of the following ten sessions during the five-course days and in reading may occur before the start of the course.

Course material and Reading list

Information regarding syllabus will be announced at moodle before study start.

Overall plan and expected work effort

5 ECTS course, 5 ECTS = 135 hours.

Teaching time: 20 hours

Preparation course: 80 hours

Course assignment: 35 hours

Total: 135 hours


Lectures with group work, case work, student presentations, plenary discussions, field visit and beyond.

Evaluation and feedback

Evaluation of the course takes place continuously in a dialogue between the students and the teacher as well as at the end of the course (optionally supplemented by a written summary, which is sent to the head of studies).

In addition, there is a written evaluation of the course, which is completed at least every 3 years. The written evaluation is send to the activity responsible, the head of studies and the study board for the purpose of quality and development of the education. See more about the evaluations on the study board's page on the intranet.

Overall learning outcomes
  • Opnå indsigt i en specifik tematik i relation til sundhedsmæssige problemstillinger

  • Indsigt i og evne til at anvende teorier om denne tematik i relation til sundhedsmæssige problemstillinger

  • Kritisk kunne vurdere specifikke tematikkers konsekvenser for og bidrag til udviklingen af menneskers livskvalitet og sundhed i hverdagen

  • Kunne bidrage til at udvikle sundhedsfremmende indsatser i relation til en specifik tematik

  • Kunne diskutere og analysere sammenhængen mellem en specifik tematik fra forskellige sundhedsmæssige perspektiver

Form of examination
Kurset bestås gennem aktiv og tilfredsstillende deltagelse.

Ved aktiv deltagelse forstås:
- at den studerende skal deltage i de med undervisningen forbundne aktiviteter (f. eks. workshops, seminarer, felt-ekskursioner, processtudiegrupper, arbejdskonferencer, supervisionsgrupper, feedback-sessioner).

Ved tilfredsstillende deltagelse forstås:
- at den studerende skal deltage i f.eks. mundtlige oplæg (individuelt eller i gruppe), peer reviews, miniprojekter, tests, præsentationer, tilrettelæggelse af kursusgang.

Bedømmelse: bestået/ikke bestået
Form of Re-examination
Individuel skriftlig hjemmeopgave

Hjemmeopgaven skal have et omfang på 19.200-28.800 tegn inkl. mellemrum.
Omfangskravene er inklusive eventuel forside, indholdsfortegnelse, litteraturliste, figurer og andre illustrationer, men eksklusive eventuelle bilag.

Hjemmeopgavens varighed er 5 dage inkl. evt. weekend og helligdage.

Bedømmelse: bestået/ikke-bestået
Type of examination in special cases
Examination and assessment criteria

As part of the satisfactory participation, a written group essay is handed in as a response to an assignment. The essay must consist of a minimum of 4800 characters and a maximum of 7200 characters, with an addition of 4800 characters for each additional student in the group. There are 48 hours to prepare the group essay.

The group essay must be handed in at the last course.

The starting point of the assessment is that the course assignment meets all formal requirements. In the assessment of the above-mentioned course, emphasis will be placed on the extent to which the student demonstrates

  • Ability to explain the knowledge about the different patterns and dynamics of movement affecting health within and across borders in the globalized world with an increasingly interdependence.
  • Ability to explain different conditions for health promotion through a range of dominating health related structures, policies and factors impacting health and well-being.
  • A grasp of the multiple local, national and global conditions for health promotion in a constantly changing world.
  • Discussion and reflections about health promoters’ own positions in the field, different functions and positions in which health promoters are engaged.
  • Competences based on empirical knowledge and research techniques required to think independently About various health promotional issues in global context.
  • Competences on discussing and communicating significant views on health promotion paradoxes, dilemmas and inequalities with involved stakeholder at local, national and international level.
  • Ability to formulate the above points in written as well as verbal exchange form.
Exam code(s)
Exam code(s) : U60463
Last changed 27/06/2023

lecture list:

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Friday 15-09-2023 12:15 - 15-09-2023 16:00 in week 37
Valgkursus: Global Health: Promotion, Policies and Practices (TVSU)

Friday 22-09-2023 12:15 - 22-09-2023 16:00 in week 38
Valgkursus: Global Health: Promotion, Policies and Practices (TVSU)

Friday 29-09-2023 12:15 - 29-09-2023 16:00 in week 39
Valgkursus: Global Health: Promotion, Policies and Practices (TVSU)

Friday 06-10-2023 12:15 - 06-10-2023 16:00 in week 40
Valgkursus: Global Health: Promotion, Policies and Practices (TVSU)

Friday 13-10-2023 12:15 - 13-10-2023 16:00 in week 41
Valgkursus: Global Health: Promotion, Policies and Practices (TVSU)

Friday 13-10-2023 16:00 - 13-10-2023 16:00 in week 41
Valgkursus: Global Health: Promotion, Policies and Practices - Deadline for active and satisfactory participation (TVSU)

Monday 19-02-2024 10:00 - Saturday 24-02-2024 10:00 in week 08
Valgkursus: Global Health: Promotion, Policies and Practices - Written reexamination (TVSU)