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Live Case Project: Consultancy in Practice

By og Plan / Nordic Urban Planning Studies
master course
Teaching language

You register for activities through stads selvbetjening during the announced registration period, which you can see on the Study administration homepage.

When registering for courses, please be aware of the potential conflicts and overlaps between course and exam time and dates. The planning of course activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programmes, which should not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programmes, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose.

Detailed description of content

This is a special English language project, where students’ project work is organised to respond to a brief defined by a company with a professional interest in how places work. We are working together with Henning Larsen architects https://henninglarsen.com/en (SDS graduate and Advisor Maya Shpiro, PhD and Lead Sustainability Consultant Martin Vraa Nielsen, Industrial PhD student and Lead Design Architect Magnus Reffs Kramhøft) and in addition the newly started Neighborhood Lab https://www.neighborhoodlab.dk (PhD and Architect Ofri Earon).

Students come from both the Danish language By & Plan programme and the English language Nordic Urban Planning Studies (NUPS) programme. Students from the two programmes are mixed. All communication within the program is in English, including the project report and exam. Therefore, English language skills are required and used in practice. In addition there can be field work, where students speaking Danish use this for interviews etc.

The theme of this year’s Live Case project is Transformed Buildings: It is now common knowledge in urban planning and building construction that it is more environmentally sustainable to transform existing buildings than to build new. Therefore it is essential for companies to know how transformed buildings work for users (residents and others). How do buildings work as part of everyday life space? And how are the heritage qualities from the buildings’ former history and use valued? Final questions have not been defined yet; the company will develop a brief defining the task more precisely. Part of the work will be method development.

The project builds on earlier experiences with the Live Case Course (5 ECTS), which was run seven times as part of the Spatial Designs and Society (SDS) programme 2016-2022 (2022 with Henning Larsen).

Read about the Master Programme and find the Study Regulations at ruc.dk

Project Process

This project is more defined than most other RUC projects. The brief is defined by a company, although each project group has the chance to give their bid on how to deal with the overall task. Groups are formed administratively to mix students from By & Plan with students from NUPS and in accordance with the professional set-up. Thereby students with different backgrounds and languages are also mixed. Each project group will get a RUC supervisor, but some of supervision will take place during common sessions, both at RUC and at in the Henning Larsen office, Vesterbrogade 76, Cph. V.

Common sessions plan (can be adjusted).

Two RUC sessions in the first half of September (coordinated with other semester start activities) - Jonas Larsen lecture on consultancy (together with the other course Link tekst her... ) - Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt session on an example of how consultancy work works (in Red Associates) combined with preparation for the sessions at Henning Larsen.

Four afternoon sessions in the Henning Larsen office (the canteen on 5th floor). - Introduction to brief and cases (September) - Bid phase. Groups respond to brief, and get feed-back by the company (October) - Midway presentation by groups (November) - Final presentation by groups (December)

Thereafter groups submit project at January deadline for RUC exam.

Expected work effort (ECTS-declaration)

Per person: 3 RUC (double) sessions: 36 hours (12 hours + 24 hours of reading) 4 Henning Larsen sessions: 38 hours (14 hours + 24 hours of reading) Field work: 60 hours Preparation of bid, first analysis and presentations at Henning Larsen: 56 hours Project writing, including further reading, further analysis, supervisor meetings etc.: 200 hours Exam including preparation: 15 hours

For 3-4 person group, projects are 45-72 pages (passed on 2400 characters per page, see total number of characters in curriculum)

Course material and Reading list

In additions to readings from Henning Larsen (to come in Moodle) and the listed first readings for RUC session listed below, each project group will develop its own reading list.

Brook, Ann K. and Edwards, Kathy (2014) Consulting in Uncertainty: The Power of the Inquiry, New York: Routledge, pp. 1-17 Grint, Keith (2008) Wicked problems and clumsy solutions: the role of leadership (link will come in moodle). Pedersen, Lise Røjskjær (2018) Fact Finders. Knowledge aesthetics and the business of human science in a Danish consultancy, PhD thesis in Anthropology, University of Copenhagen. Selected (analytical) chapters. In addition:reading from Jonas Larsen’s lecture, also part of other course for NUPS and By & Plan (elective) Link tekst her...

Supplementary reading Madsbjerg, Christian and Rasmussen, Mikkel B. (2014) The Moment of Clarity: using the human sciences to solve your toughest business problems, Boston: Harvard Business Review Press Madsbjerg and Rasmussen (2014) has been translated into danish (2015) 'Et Glimt af Klarhed' (Gyldendal Business). The authors are founders of the Red Associates consultant firm, and the book accounts for the methods used in their work for firms like Lego, Intel, Adidas and Samsung. The PhD thesis by Røjskjær Pedersen is an academic study of practices inside Red Associates, and will be available in Moodle.

Evaluation- and feedback forms

The group conducts ongoing evaluations of the group's work and collaboration. The supervisor requests oral feedback about the supervision from the group during the process. The initial first sessions at RUC will be evaluated orally in plenum in the last of these sessions. The sessions in the company will be evaluated orally in plenum in the last of these sessions. The overall project process is evaluated via a written questionnaire by each student after the end of the overall activity.

Project groups will get evaluation and feed-back on their bid and presentations at sessions at Henning Larsen. This feed-back comes from professional people. In addition, groups get supervisor’s feed back. Due to the character of the project, and the feed-back sessions at Henning Larsen, there is no peer-seminar / internal evaluation.

Head of studies/academic coordinator
Kristian Nagel Delica (kdelica@ruc.dk)
Administration of exams
IMT Registration & Exams (imt-exams@ruc.dk)
Responsible for the activity
Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt (job@ruc.dk)
Mandatory or elective


Overall learning outcomes

  • Master how to analyse places as a part of consultancy and planning work

  • Collect and handle knowledge and data from field work and other sources in order to analyse, plan, design and present proposals, strategies and processes

  • Work in dialogue with consultancy and planning professionals in an interdisciplinary project in urban and community development

  • Present and visualize consultancy work in practice

Overall objective

Based on cooperation with one or more consultancies, students achieve practical skills and competences in working as a planning consultant, as well as to reflect on how consultants work. Students learn how to work out and communicate solid analysis, which can be used in consultancy and planning.

Teaching language


Type of activity


Form of examination
Oral project exam in groups with individual assessment

Permitted group size: 2-6 students.

The character limits of the project report are:
For 2 students: 84,000-139,200 characters, including spaces.
For 3 students: 108,000-172,800 characters, including spaces.
For 4 students: 108,000-172,800 characters, including spaces.
For 5 students: 141,600-206,400 characters, including spaces.
For 6 students: 141,600-206,400 characters, including spaces.
The character limits include the cover, table of contents, summary, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices.

The project report must include a summary, that is part of the assessment. The summary can either be written in English or Danish.

Time allowed for exam including time used for assessment is for:
2 students: 60 minutes.
3 students: 75 minutes.
4 students: 90 minutes.
5 students: 105 minutes.
6 students: 120 minutes.

Writing and spelling skills in the project report are part of the assessment.

Permitted support and preparation materials at the oral exam: All

Assessment: 7-point grading scale.
Moderation: Internal co-assessor.
Form of Re-examination
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Exam code(s)
Exam code(s) : U60289
Last changed 28/06/2023

lecture list:

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Wednesday 06-09-2023 08:15 - 06-09-2023 12:00 in week 36
Live Case Project: Consultancy in Practice (B&P)

Thursday 07-09-2023 14:00 - 07-09-2023 17:00 in week 36
Live Case Project: Consultancy in Practice - Kick-off (B&P)

Monday 11-09-2023 12:15 - 11-09-2023 16:00 in week 37
Live Case Project: Consultancy in Practice (B&P)

Wednesday 04-10-2023 14:00 - 04-10-2023 16:00 in week 40
Live Case Project: Consultancy in Practice (B&P)

Wednesday 15-11-2023 14:00 - 15-11-2023 16:00 in week 46
Live Case Project: Consultancy in Practice (B&P)

Thursday 14-12-2023 14:00 - 14-12-2023 16:00 in week 50
Live Case Project: Consultancy in Practice (B&P)

Wednesday 10-01-2024 10:00 - 10-01-2024 10:00 in week 02
Live Case Project: Consultancy in Practice - Project hand-in (B&P)

Monday 15-01-2024 08:15 - Wednesday 31-01-2024 18:00 in week 03 to week 05
Live Case Project: Consultancy in Practice - Oral examination (B&P)

Thursday 01-02-2024 08:15 - Thursday 29-02-2024 18:00 in week 05 to week 09
Live Case Project: Consultancy in Practice - Oral reexamination (B&P)