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Interdisciplinary Project-oriented Internship (Global Studies and International Development studies)

Global Studies * / Social Science *
Teaching language

You register for activities through stads selvbetjening during the announced registration period, which you can see on the Study administration homepage.

Head of studies/academic coordinator
Klaas Dykmann (dykmann@ruc.dk)
Administration of exams
ISE Registration & Exams (ise-exams@ruc.dk)
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
  • Knowledge and understanding of social conditions related to the activities and field of the internship host, with a particular focus on the aspects on which the student chooses to write a project

  • Insight into the practical applicability of the theoretical, methodological and analytical approaches and concepts of Global Studies and International Development Studies

  • Insight into the latest academic literature relevant to examining the internship project’s research question.

  • Skills in working with an academically relevant research question dealing with the activities and areas of the business/organisation the student is interning for in the context of the project work

  • Skills in combining academic insights (theories, methods, approaches) from Global Studies and International Development Studies

  • Skills in completing specific tasks assigned by the business/organisation the student is interning for

  • Skills in linking academic insight and knowledge from both subjects to practical issues and the dynamics of a workplace

  • Competence to independently prepare an internship project, including planning and managing the work process.

  • Competence in relating practical knowledge and experience to the academic theories, concepts and methods of Global Studies and International Development Studies.

Overall content

The learning in the internship is achieved via a mix of practical tasks, reflections on the intersection between theory and practices and via the independent preparation of the internship project. The preparation of the internship project takes place under the supervision of an internship supervisor.

Teaching and working methods

The student is responsible for securing an internship position and the practical matters associated with the internship, including ensuring that both the work tasks at business/organisation and the commitments to the university are completed.

The internship must be pre-approved by the Board of Studies before it is started. It is expected that the work efforts of the semester are distributed at ¾ of the time at the internship and ¼ at the university (equivalent to approx. 540-600 hours at the place of internship and approx. 200 hours at the university). The main activities of the intern are to be described and fall within the subject fields of both Global Studies and International Development Studies.

The student holds obligations to both subjects.

Internship project
The internship project’s research question must relate to theoretical or empirical issues from Global Studies and International Development Studies, which the stay with the internship host (or the host's activities) provides an opportunity to study, but is otherwise freely selected by the student. Students are encouraged to focus on research questions where aspects of International Development Studies can come into play.

The completed internship project that is individually prepared must include:

  1. An executive summary not exceeding 4,800 characters in length, including spaces. The summary must take into account the contents of the project and the significant points that a reader should be aware of.

  2. A main part: including a mandatory literature review, which provides an overview of the most recent research in the academic field that the internship project deals with (state of the art literature review). The literature for the project consists of a total of 650 pages selected by the student in collaboration with the supervisor.

See also the description of the internship project under type of examination

Teaching language


Form of examination

Oral exam based on the internship project report and any additional material.

The exam begins with a presentation within a topic of own choice relevant to the research question posed in the report. The presentation incl. question may last up to 3 minutes
The presentation is followed by a dialogue between the student and the assessors on the basis of the internship project report.
There may be posed questions within the main area(s) of the internship report.

The character limit of the internship report is: 50,400-81.600 characters, including spaces.
The character limits include the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices.

Time allowed for exam including time used for assessment: 30 minutes.

The assessment is an overall evaluation of the internship project report and the oral presentation. Two marks are given, one for each subject.

Permitted support and preparation materials at the oral exam for subject 1 : All.
Permitted support and preparation materials at the oral exam for subject 2 : All

Assessment for subject 1 : 7-point grading scale.
Assessment for subject 2 : 7-point grading scale.

Moderation subjet 1:Internal co-assessor.
Moderation subject 2:Internal co-assessor.
Form of Re-examination
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Exam code(s)
Exam code(s) : U40351 / U40440
Last changed 09/03/2023

lecture list:

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Wednesday 24-05-2023 10:00 - 24-05-2023 10:00 in week 21
Interdisciplinary Project-oriented Internship (Global Studies and International Development studies) - Hand In (GS, IDS)

Thursday 01-06-2023 08:15 - Friday 30-06-2023 18:00 in week 22 to week 26
Interdisciplinary Project-oriented Internship (Global Studies and International Development studies) - Oral exam (GS, IDS)

Tuesday 01-08-2023 08:15 - Thursday 31-08-2023 18:00 in week 31 to week 35
Interdisciplinary Project-oriented Internship (Global Studies and International Development studies) - Oral reexam (GS, IDS)