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Master programme in
Molecular Biology * / Chemical Biology / Molecular Health Science
Type of activity


Teaching language
Study regulation

Read about the Master Programme and find the Study Regulations at ruc.dk

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Sign up for study activities at stads selvbetjening within the announced registration period, as you can see on the Studyadministration homepage.

When signing up for study activities, please be aware of potential conflicts between study activities or exam dates.

The planning of activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programs which do not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programs, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose.

Number of participants
Responsible for the activity
Lotte Jelsbak (ljelsbak@ruc.dk)
John Shorter (johnsh@ruc.dk)
Head of study
Lotte Jelsbak (ljelsbak@ruc.dk)
Study administration
INM Registration & Exams (inm-exams@ruc.dk)
Exam code(s)
Overall objective

The aim is to give the students essential bioinformatics skills on a user level.

The course introduces the students to describing bioinformatic problems, selecting bioinformatic methods and solving simple bioinformatic problems using existing tools.

Detailed description of content

The course will introduce the students to describing bioinformatic problems, selecting bioinformatic methods and solving simple bioinformatic problems using existing tools.

Course material and Reading list

Udvalgte kapitler fra: Jin Xiong: Essential Bioinformatics, Cambridge University Press 2006: (Open access link) or a newer textbook.

Additional material available from Moodle

Overall plan and expected work effort

The course is composed of 5 modules. Each module is concluded with a written module report. The module reports form the basis for the written final report. The module reports can be written individually or in groups of 2-3 students. The final report is written in groups of 2-4 students.

  • lectures 10 hrs

  • pc lab practical exercises 20 hrs

  • preparation for lectures and exercises 35 hrs

  • problem solution and report writing 70 hrs

  • total 135 hrs

Evaluation and feedback

The course includes formative evaluation based on dialogue between the students and the teacher(s).

Students are expected to provide constructive critique, feedback and viewpoints during the course if it is needed for the course to have better quality. Every other year at the end of the course, there will also be an evaluation through a questionnaire in SurveyXact. The Study Board will handle all evaluations along with any comments from the course responsible teacher.

Furthermore, students can, in accordance with RUCs ‘feel free to state your views’ strategy through their representatives at the study board, send evaluations, comments or insights form the course to the study board during or after the course.


Five modules; each module focus on a specific bioinformatical problem and consist of:

  • One lecture session with theoretical background and practical introduction to the module exercise

  • One exercise session with guidance to accessing programs, analyzing and solving the problem of the module.

  • Writing a report based on each module (the module reports). A report ("the final report"), elaborated on selected parts of the module reports.

Overall learning outcomes

After completing the course, the students will be able to:

  • formulate a biological research problem so that it can be analysed from a bioinformatic perspective

  • explain the opportunities and limitations in certain databases and programs

  • search relevant databases

  • search and select programs to solve bioinformatic problems

  • use online programs and download, install and use local programs

  • analyse a bioinformatic problem and select a solution

  • solve simple bioinformatic problems

  • communicate competently with bioinformaticians about more complex problems

  • analyse complex data structures with relevant mathematical and statistical models/programs.

Form of examination
Oral group exam based on a product written by a group.

Permitted group size: 2-4 students.

The character limit of the written product is:
For 2 students: 19,200-72,000 characters, including spaces.
For 3 students: 19,200-72,000 characters, including spaces.
For 4 students: 19,200-72,000 characters, including spaces.
The character limits include the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices.

Time allowed for exam including time used for assessment is for:
2 students: 20 minutes.
3 students: 25 minutes.
4 students: 30 minutes.

The assessment is individual and based on the student's individual performance.
The assessment is an overall assessment of the written product(s) and the subsequent oral examination..

Permitted support and preparation materials at the oral exam: PowerPoint presentation or equivalent and notes to presentation.

Assessment: Pass/Fail.
Moderation: Internal co-assessor.
Form of Re-examination
Samme som ordinær eksamen / same form as ordinary exam
Type of examination in special cases
Examination and assessment criteria

The written product is "a final report" that elaborates on selected parts of the module reports.

The oral exam starts with a presentation - based on an assigned question - from each of the students of maximum 5 min. After the presentations the exam is conducted as a dialogue between students and assesors. There may be posed questions in any part of the course content.

Assesment criteria/students will be assessed by their ability to:

  • formulate a biological research problem so that it can be analysed from a bioinformatic perspective

  • explain and argue for the selection of program(s), data, databases, and settings used for this analysis

  • identify and discuss the in strengths and weakness of the completed analysis

The assessment of the oral exam is based on the student’s ability to meet the criteria mentioned above and their ability to:

  • clearly present and communicate the scientific content of the final report

  • engage in a scientific dialogue and discussion with the assessor and co assessor

Furthermore, whether the performance meets all formal requirements in regard to both for the written og oral exam.

Exam code(s)
Exam code(s) : U60178
Last changed 06/03/2023

lecture list:

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Wednesday 01-02-2023 08:15 - 01-02-2023 12:00 in week 05
Bioinformatics (MHS, CB)

Wednesday 15-02-2023 08:15 - 15-02-2023 12:00 in week 07
Bioinformatics (MHS, CB)

Wednesday 01-03-2023 08:15 - 01-03-2023 12:00 in week 09
Bioinformatics (MHS, CB)

Wednesday 15-03-2023 08:15 - 15-03-2023 12:00 in week 11
Bioinformatics (MHS, CB)

Wednesday 29-03-2023 08:15 - 29-03-2023 12:00 in week 13
Bioinformatics (MHS, CB)

Wednesday 12-04-2023 08:15 - 12-04-2023 12:00 in week 15
Bioinformatics (MHS, CB)

Wednesday 26-04-2023 08:15 - 26-04-2023 12:00 in week 17
Bioinformatics (MHS, CB)

Wednesday 10-05-2023 08:15 - 10-05-2023 12:00 in week 19
Bioinformatics (MHS, CB)

Friday 19-05-2023 10:00 - 19-05-2023 10:00 in week 20
Bioinformatics - Hand-in of written product (MHS, CB)

Tuesday 30-05-2023 08:15 - 30-05-2023 16:00 in week 22
Bioinformatics - Exam (MHS, CB)

Friday 30-06-2023 10:00 - 30-06-2023 10:00 in week 26
Bioinformatics - Hand-in of written product (reexam) (MHS, CB)

Wednesday 16-08-2023 08:15 - 16-08-2023 16:00 in week 33
Bioinformatics - Reexam (MHS, CB)