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IKH-PhD-kursus: Exploring New Materialism: Ecology and Resonance

uddannelse ph.d.
Undervisningssprog English
national_online kurset vises ikke på den nationale database
vært Ph.d.-skolen for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab

Deadline for registration: 15 November 2019 to Karen Margrethe Laursen: klau@kadk.dk

Kursus starter 17-01-2020
Kursus slutter 31-01-2020
Eksterne samarbejdspartnere

In cooperation with KU and KADK




This course explores the implications of New Materialism philosophy for theory, criticism and practice in the fields of architecture, art, archeology and social science with particular attention to ecology and resonance. It includes a masterclass with philosopher and cultural theorist Erich Hörl, coeditor of General Ecology: The New Ecological Paradigm (Bloomsbury 2017).

Scholarship acknowledging ecologies, affordances as well as material and social relations – e.g. how material connections and resonance between them are established in the world - has gained a strong foothold through writers such as Jakob von Uexküll, James J. Gibson, Gilles Deleuze, Bruno Latour, and, more recently, Timothy Morton and Hartmut Rosa. As part of the course, we will be reading texts by Gibson and Rosa along with related texts by thinkers such as Jane Bennett, Donna Haraway, Manuel DeLanda, Graham Harman and Bruno Latour.

We are interested in discussing the concrete integration of ecological and resonant thinking in contemporary artistic, human and social research: How can an attention for material life and agency guide the empirical study of cultural artifacts? And how can empirical studies contribute to expanding, questioning and potentially renewing our thinking and concepts? How do notions of ecology and resonance define material and social assemblages, which could consist of climate, buildings and occupants? How does New Materialism approach spatial, material and social aspects in the analysis of ecologies and other types of connections?

The course consists of four all-day sessions during January 2020, including reading sessions and master class. The reading sessions are intended as a preparation for the master class which will be structured around lectures by senior researchers followed by paper presentations by PhD students, discussion and feedback. The focus is on the integration of ideas and perspectives from or related to New Materialism into the student’s own research with particular attention to notions of ecology and resonance.

PhD candidates interested in contributing to methodological and interdisciplinary debates on New Materialism and ecologies should submit a 300-word abstract of their research and a short CV. The course is organized in collaboration with Roskilde University, Department of Communications and Arts.

For more information about the course:
