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Course / Optional Course: Cross Media Communication and Design

Communication Studies * / Kommunikation (1-fags kandidat) *
master course
Teaching language

Tilmelding sker via STADS-Selvbetjening indenfor annonceret tilmeldingsperiode, som du kan se på Studieadministrationens hjemmeside

Når du tilmelder dig kurset, skal du være opmærksom på, om der er sammenfald i tidspunktet for kursusafholdelse og eksamen med andre kurser, du har valgt. Uddannelsesplanlægningen tager udgangspunkt i, at det er muligt at gennemføre et anbefalet studieforløb uden overlap. Men omkring valgfrie elementer og studieplaner som går ud over de anbefalede studieforløb, kan der forekomme overlap, alt efter hvilke kurser du vælger.

Registration through STADS-Selvbetjeningwithin the announced registration period, as you can see on the Studyadministration homepage.

When registering for courses, please be aware of the potential conflicts between courses or exam dates on courses. The planning of course activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programs which do not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programs, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which courses you choose.

Detailed description of content

This course will introduce students to contemporary media theory with a focus on the interconnectedness of media and forms of communication in today’s complex mediascape. It will provide students with a vocabulary and a set of concepts with which to describe, analyse and critically reflect upon the complex media-related phenomena and practices they will often find themselves faced with as communication professionals in an increasingly mediatized world. The theoretical perspective framing the course will be “cross-media communication”, an emerging field in Media Studies.

In addition to introducing these media theoretical aspects, the course will include a practical dimension, where theory will be grounded in concrete practice. Throughout the course, students will work on developing and refining an idea (an outline or sketch) for a cross media service following the principles of user-centered design (UCD). A design professional will teach four out of twelve lectures, introducing students to conceptual product development and helping facilitate the design and development process.

The content of the design lectures will to a large extent be hands-on development work in permanent groups, where each lecture builds directly on the work produced in previous lectures. This means that students will need to attend class in order to get the full benefit of the course.

Expected work effort (ECTS-declaration)

The expected workload in relation to the course is 270 hours (1 ECTS point = 27 work hours):

11 x 4 hours of confrontation divided between lectures and assignments

12 hours of preparation per confrontation, which includes reading the course curriculum and solving home assignments

80 hours for the exam including preparation

14 hours of different activities such as evaluation, introduction to the semester etc.

Evaluation- and feedback forms

De(n) studerende modtager peer-feedback og underviserfeedback i forbindelse med diskussioner, øvelser og gruppearbejde. Endvidere modtager de(n) studerende underviserfeedback i forbindelse med eksamen, med fokus på styrker og svagheder.

Hvert 3. år gennemføres en formel evaluering af kurset. Evalueringen bygger på en digital spørgeskemaundersøgelse, og behandles af studieleder og studienævn. Studienævnet evaluerer kurset dette semester

Underviser kan også vælge at gennemføre en uformel evaluering af kurset (løbende og/eller afsluttende). Den uformelle evaluering behandles kun af underviser, med mindre underviser skønner at studieleder skal inddrages.

Administration of exams
IKH Studyadministration (ikh-studyadministration@ruc.dk)
Responsible for the activity
Troels Fibæk Bertel (tfbertel@ruc.dk)
Type of examination

Individual portfolio consisting of written products and other types of products.

The portfolio consists of up to 10 (number determined by the lecturer based on a professional assessment of the individual student's topic) products that are prepared in whole or in part during the course. For example, products can be exercise responses, speech manuscripts for a presentation, feedback, reflection, written assignments, wiki contributions, sound productions and visual productions. The preparation of the products may be subject to time limits.

The portfolio's written products must be 4,800 - 36,000 characters in length, including spaces. The size specifications include the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices.

The specific content and form of the portfolio, as well as any potential indicative size specifications for the various written products will be determined before the beginning of the course and published on study.ruc.dk.

The portfolio is delivered collectively (uploaded at eksamen.ruc.dk). Any potential partial deliveries to the lecturer in order to get feedback are not a substitute for the collective delivery. The deadline for handing in the assignments will be published on study.ruc.dk. An overall assessment of the portfolio is given.

The assignment must document that the student possesses a confident mastery of the written English language, including grammar and linguistic correctness.

Assessment: 7-point grading scale.


Same as ordinary

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
  • Knowledge and understanding of a specific subject area in the field of communication, information and media, including having knowledge and understanding of the common practices in relation to th subject area

  • Knowledge and understanding of current theories relevant to the subject area, including knowledge of essential communications concepts and terms

  • Knowledge and understanding of current methods used to study the subject area

  • Skills in being able to apply relevant theory to a specific communications-related research questio

  • Skills in being able to use appropriate methods to study communications-related research questions

  • Skills in being able to translate analyses and knowledge and understanding to a practical communications-related context

  • Competences in independently being able to take responsibility for one’s own professional development and specialisation within the subject area

Overall content

The course includes presentations and critical discussions as well as the testing the of knowledge about and understanding of a defined subject area within the field of communications, including presentations and discussions of concepts, theories and investigative methods

Teaching and working methods

The course consists of a mix of lectures and discussions, and it can include group work, homework and peer feedback. It is structured around a number of themes that will be presented at the start of the course

Type of course

Optional course

Exam code(s)
Exam code(s) : U41314
Last changed 14/02/2020

lecture list:

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Thursday 13-02-2020 08:15 - 13-02-2020 12:00 in week 07
Comm: Advanced theory, method and practice: Cross Media Communication and Design

Thursday 20-02-2020 08:15 - 20-02-2020 12:00 in week 08
Comm: Advanced theory, method and practice: Cross Media Communication and Design

Thursday 27-02-2020 08:15 - 27-02-2020 12:00 in week 09
Comm: Advanced theory, method and practice: Cross Media Communication and Design

Thursday 05-03-2020 08:15 - 05-03-2020 12:00 in week 10
Comm: Advanced theory, method and practice: Cross Media Communication and Design

Thursday 12-03-2020 08:15 - 12-03-2020 12:00 in week 11
Comm: Advanced theory, method and practice: Cross Media Communication and Design

Thursday 19-03-2020 08:15 - 19-03-2020 12:00 in week 12
Comm: Advanced theory, method and practice: Cross Media Communication and Design

Thursday 16-04-2020 08:15 - 16-04-2020 12:00 in week 16
Comm: Advanced theory, method and practice: Cross Media Communication and Design

Thursday 23-04-2020 08:15 - 23-04-2020 12:00 in week 17
Comm: Advanced theory, method and practice: Cross Media Communication and Design

Tuesday 28-04-2020 08:15 - 28-04-2020 12:00 in week 18
Comm: Advanced theory, method and practice: Cross Media Communication and Design

Thursday 30-04-2020 08:15 - 30-04-2020 12:00 in week 18
Comm: Advanced theory, method and practice: Cross Media Communication and Design

Thursday 14-05-2020 08:15 - 14-05-2020 12:00 in week 20
Comm: Advanced theory, method and practice: Cross Media Communication and Design

Tuesday 19-05-2020 08:15 - 19-05-2020 12:00 in week 21
Comm: Advanced theory, method and practice: Cross Media Communication and Design

Thursday 04-06-2020 10:00 - 04-06-2020 10:00 in week 23
Exam - Assigment hand in

Monday 10-08-2020 10:00 - 10-08-2020 10:00 in week 33
Reexam - Assigment hand in