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Project report (Internship) in The firm's resources and value creation

Business studies * / Business Administration and Leadership *
Teaching language

Tilmelding sker via STADS-Selvbetjening indenfor annonceret tilmeldingsperiode, som du kan se på Studieadministrationens hjemmeside.

Når du tilmelder dig et projektorienteret praktikforløb, skal du være opmærksom på, om der er sammenfald i tidspunktet for evt. andre studieaktiviteter og deres eksamen. Uddannelsesplanlægningen tager udgangspunkt i, at det er muligt at gennemføre et anbefalet studieforløb uden overlap. Men omkring valgfrie elementer og studieplaner som går ud over de anbefalede studieforløb, kan der forekomme overlap, alt efter hvilke studieaktiviteter du vælger.

Særligt for projektorienteret praktikforløb gælder det, at du skal have godkendt forløbet inden det starter. [Du kan læse mere omkring godkendelsesprocessen her]( https://intra.ruc.dk/index.php?id=43596 ””).

Registration through STADS-Selvbetjeningwithin the announced registration period, as you can see on the Studyadministration homepage.

When registering for study activities, please be aware of potential conflicts between teaching schedule and exam dates. The planning of study activities at Roskilde University is based on the recommended study programs which do not overlap. However, if you choose optional courses and/or study plans that goes beyond the recommended study programs, an overlap of lectures or exam dates may occur depending on which activities you choose.

Please be aware of the approval requirements for a project-oriented internship. [You can read more about the approval process here] (https://intra.ruc.dk/nc/en/students/student-hub/student-hub/ruc-studie-og-karrierevejledning/internship/project-oriented-internship/).

Project Process

The internship encompasses: • A maximum of 400 hours, included both the internship and the internship project report. • The writing of an internship project report, the object of which is for students to demonstrate the ability to reflect on their period with the company and the skills they have applied there. It must be possible to use the report to discuss the experience students have acquired through the internship – in contrast to their abstract and analytical work with similar issues during their studies. The project report must refer to the overall academic topic of the semester.

The internship must be approved by the Study Board. Prior to commencing the internship, the student must seek advance approval for the host company. In its processing of the application, the Study Board must ensure that the student, through the project-oriented internship, achieves academic competencies that in scope and level correspond to the competencies that can be achieved through the ordinary study programme. If the application is approved, the Head of Studies will assign a supervisor. Guidance is provided to students during the actual internship.

Head of studies/academic coordinator
Margit Neisig (neisig@ruc.dk)
Administration of exams
ISE Studyadministration (ise-studyadministration@ruc.dk)
Responsible for the activity
Margit Neisig (neisig@ruc.dk)
Type of examination

Oral examination on the basis of an internship project report. The examination will be based on the student’sinternship project report and any appendices handed in with the report. The examination will start with a presentation based on the report. Presentations have a duration of up to 3 min. The presentation is followed by a dialogue between the student and the assessors on the basis of the internship project report. During the examination, the assessors may ask questions related the internship project report’s subject area(s).

The size specifications of the internship project report are between 60,000 - 122,400 characters, including spaces. The size specifications include the cover, table of contents, bibliography, figures and other illustrations, but exclude any appendices. Time allowed for examination including time used for assessment 30 minutes. The assessment is an overall evaluation of the internship project report and the oral presentation. The assessment includes spelling and clarity of expression in the internship project report. Permitted support and preparation materials during the examination: All.

Assessment: 7-point grading scale.

Moderation: Internal co-assessor.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
  • Knowledge and understanding:

    About the company's concrete resources, value creation and innovation.

  • Skills:

    In combining theoretical and practical business studies involving external frameworks and internal conditions related to the company’s action

  • Completing, documenting and presenting problem-oriented analyses and analysis results

  • In describing and reflecting on a practice-oriented and independently performed work

  • Competences:

    Critically formulating and evaluating companies’ development processes and management types and their financial and social organisation

  • To formulate clear problem-oriented considerations and demonstrate a confident methodological understanding

  • To independently reflect theoretically and practically at a high academic level in relation to the functions and tasks of the student in the company/organisation

Overall content

The aim of the internship is for the student to acquire professional insights and proficiency in working with methodological and theoretical issues in Business

Management and Leadership and to gain professional competences in relation to concrete work tasks in a private or public company, organisation or association. The objectives are met by the student preparing an internship project that is to demonstrate the ability to work independently in a scientific manner with Business Management and Leadership and to reflect on the theory and methodology in relation to the job that the student has had in the company/organisation. In the project report, the students must describe and document the academically relevant elements of the research questions and work tasks they have been working with and reflect upon the practices that have been learned in the field, what they have learned professionally/academically and the relationship between practice and theory within the field.

Teaching and working methods

An internship’s scope is:

  • At most 400 hours, including both the internship itself and the internship project report
  • A preparation of an internship project report aiming to allow the students to demonstrate how they can reflect upon their own internship in the company/organisation and what qualifications they have used in the process. The report must be used to discuss the experience the students have gained during their internship - as opposed to working abstractly and analytically with similar research questions during their studies. The project report must refer to the relevant semester’s overall academic subject area.

The internship must be approved by the board of studies. Before the start of the internship, the student must apply for pre-approval of the company/organisation where they will be interning. When processing the application, the Board of Studies must ensure that the students will gain professional competences from the project-oriented internship which, in terms of scope and level, match the competences that could be gained from the ordinary study programme. If the application is approved, the Head of Studies will assign a supervisor. The students will be offered supervision during the internship.

Type of course

Project-oriented Internship

Exam code(s)
Exam code(s) : U40814
Last changed 04/06/2019

lecture list:

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Tuesday 17-12-2019 10:00 - 17-12-2019 10:00 in week 51
Project report (Internship) in The firm's resources and value creation - Project hand-in

Monday 20-01-2020 08:00 - Friday 31-01-2020 17:00 in week 04 and week 05
Project report (Internship) in The firm's resources and value creation - Exam

Monday 24-02-2020 08:00 - Friday 28-02-2020 17:00 in week 09
Project report (Internship) in The firm's resources and value creation - Re-exam